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Communication through the lens of an Unlimited Data Plan

The way one feels about communication with family and network has an impact on the quality of our conversations. The concept of an Unlimited Data Plan helps paint the picture of one aspect of communication in families and friends network. We would like to be able to share freely and safely.

With the youth of Eden SDA, we talked about building a better spiritual life through the concept of an Unlimited Data Plan access to Jesus.

Everyone can benefit from a better relationship as a result of a better style of communication.


Three Keys of Confidence

Confidence is key for many things. There are layers and levels to confidence. Three basic keys help shape relationships and take them to many different levels. A chat about confidence and how it can shape your present and future


Part 4- Best Return on Personal Investment

The best investment one can be advised to make is in one’s self. The more you work on yourself, the better you can understand who you are. The more you push yourself forward to improve, the better you become at being yourself at your best self.

Bottom line, there is always some work to be done to improve. Doing the work now means later having access to better results. The family you lead depends on you being your best. It’s never too late to work on getting better, so long as you’re alive with functional capabilities.

This is the last part of a 4 part series called “Are your beliefs hindering or serving”


Part 3- From Hindering to Serving

Part 3 of 4 in this series from the presentation called “Are your beliefs hindering or serving” is about the ways of shifting one’s mindset. While not the definitive how-to guide, it is a thought provoking look. Certain habits need to be set in auto-pilot mode to function well in life. However, it’s a good idea to review held beliefs and examine them from time to time for relevancy.

The defense mechanism that helped you survive the school yard may or may not be the right means to survive the workforce. The cherished practices in one’s parent’s home may not suit the children being raised in your home. Adjusting is key. This is a high altitude look about some ways to examine one’s beliefs. Feel free to add your own methods in the comment section


Part 2- Auto- Pilot Believing

Having routines is a wonderful way to streamline decision making. The more complex a task, the more valuable certain routines are to keep up speed in making decisions. But, is there a dark side to routines?

When teaching children to make their own routines, what should one look out for? This post is a small consideration about beliefs and how they can work in auto-pilot mode. This aspect of belief systems is part 2 of 4 in a series based on a presentation called “Are your beliefs hindering or serving”.


Part 1- Titans of Beliefs

In the Biblical story of David and Goliath, there are three types of personalities worth considering. Their mindset played a huge role in how they handled the challenge thrown at them. What mindset do you subscribe to? Can such a view change?

When looking at leading a family, which mindset do you hold and which do you encourage inside your home/

This is the first part of a four part set of posts around the presentation called “Are your beliefs hindering or serving”