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Implications of this Higher Calling

There will be times when one is angry and frustrated, but for the sake of the household, one has to bit their tongue and find a better way to unleash these emotions. Forget screaming at your spouse. Or worse, the children. Forget retail therapy to break the budget. Forget vindictive preferences.

As the head of household, you’re setting the tone for the quality of heaven on earth everyone will experience. This means their understanding of what God’s love is really like rests on your shoulders. While many feel that’s just the duty of the man, women have their part too.


While God showed his disciples his teachings, he also took care of their needs on their journey. Sure, they didn’t become moguls and super rich. That wasn’t the point of their assignment. Same for parenting. That’s why it’s an unpaid career. Getting rich is not the point. Creating generational wealth is more like it.

Let me explain.

Having bright able bodied citizens come from your home helps raise the wealth of a nation. Helps secure the financial legacy of a home. They have said (don’t have the exact reference… as I heard this pre-internet days many times) it takes three generations to move a well intentioned family out of poverty to the tips of the top of middle class… if not break into upper class… economically.

Whatever the actual reality of that statement will vary from place to place, as not all municipalities have the same ease of upward mobility. The point however is this, the careful minding of the family business of creating responsible adults will help raise the honor and name of a family, if done right.

We aren’t called as heads of households to just loaf around and wing it. We’re called to work the career seriously and create responsible and accountable moral agents in the next generation.

This takes work, effort, skills acquisition. And thankfully, God does answer prayers and adds opportunities, adds talent, adds intelligence, and gives mentors, schools, advisers, teachers, supporters, etc to help along the way.

In simple non-religious terms… build your team. Build your support. Build your knowledge on parenting. Build your abilities as a parent. You can elevate and create a higher standard for your children to follow… influence their higher calling when they become parents.

Rewards here and now

One of the beautiful joys of parenting and heading a household is that one can see the benefits both now and later. As one puts in the work of change, one becomes better… assuming the purpose of change is for improvements. As the children see you as their hero, the emotional gratification is instant. And as they grow into their success, the rewards continue to be felt. Let’s not forget that seeing your children in heaven with you is another awesome reward.

While not all households will have children, every household has the chance to influence another generation. Mentoring, adoption, teaching, encouraging, Aunting. Uncling. had to make those words up to fit right alongside adulting.

Every union of marriage can benefit from working towards their own higher calling. We all have influence on someone else. Being our best version of ourselves through steady daily work of improvements means we’re shining a better influential light for others to see on their journey.

No, you’re not doing this to make others look up to you and pat you on the back. You’re doing this because it’s the right thing to do for you. The side benefit is that someone who may need an example will find an ideal example in you… should they happen to look your way. That’s why it’s a double reward type of deal.

let’s conclude this post on the next page

Post Author: Epea7p

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