The question has often been heard in some dating circles, where do I find a good man… the same can be heard on the other side of the proverbial aisle too. Yet, the way television, social media memes, and movies portray men, you’d think that they’re just overgrown children in constant need of supervision.
The conversation needs a bit of change. Men can and do step up to their responsibilities. There is no reason why anyone should settle and be a burden to their partner. This is the start of a conversation in the bigger set of conversations around leading a home towards excellence. It takes great men and women to make great heads of households that create amazing homes.
A Tribe of Men
There are many men out there who are dedicated to taking care of their families, their children, and their futures. They don’t get nearly the credit they do. Worse, their skills are not put to great use to help other men step up their game.
While there are wolf packs, clubs, and lone wolves, it is important that any tribe of men that forms have values and keep in mind the people who are most impacted by their actions: the family.
In the course of many coming posts, exploration of what it means to be the head of a household will touch the aspects of men’s perspective and women’s perspective. Given that the author of the blog is masculine, there will be moments of asking many questions of lady friends to present a more balanced concept for the benefit of our better halves, the ladies that make the world so beautiful.
For the present moment
In the next several postings, albeit in rapid succession, there will be a light discussion of what a Tribe of Men looks like from the perspective of a church. How do you cultivate and foster leadership in men from the perspective of the church.
Once the series is done, there will be other posts later on the topic. There will be many other topics to cover and there will be room for readers to add their own requests, thoughts, opinions.
The goal of this series
The need for greater frank open conversation is ever more obvious. People talk at each other instead of to and with each other. The institution of marriage is declining and the complexities of relationships rising. This is the start of one aspect of the conversation to be had.
It is not a complete and exhaustive set of posts, just an icebreaker. Not a showcase of expertise, but just a guy doing his part.
Live event connection…
The series will be done in the voice of support to a live presentation that will be taking place the weekend this series goes live on the blog. Many points will be reserved for the live event and others just for the blog series. In the set there will be a link to page dedicated to this presentation, feel free to check it out if you like.
When it’s all said and done
The church where this event is taking place is discussing for the day the role of men in the modern era. What value do they bring to the home and the community. What impact does a man still have today. CEOs of the Home will be participating to help move the dialog forward.
It is the hope that this may provoke some thought about the role of men in this modern era. Whatever you decide is the best role, be sure to communicate that with whomever you feel can benefit from understanding your view.
For the event, the topic title is A Tribe of Men. The accompanying blog posts are as follows:
Enjoy the posts. Like the posts to encourage the writer. Share to spread the conversation.
Have a blessed rest of day.
Here different view of the list of posts associated with this series:
A Tribe of Men Introduction
The question has often been heard in some dating circles, where do I find a good man… the same can be heard on the other side of the proverbial aisle too. Yet, the way television, social media memes, and movies portray men, you’d think that they’re just overgrown children in constant need of supervision. The […]
A Tribe of Men: Emotional Safe Zones
Rick was tired. He had had very rough day. Things could have been a bit nicer when he arrived home, but unlike the home of his buddies, his was of great tempest. Sally was always moody. Never a dull or quiet moment. He definitely missed the girlfriend he once had. But, she blossomed into this […]
A Tribe of Men: Learning Through Teaching
Rick signed up to the series at his local church a bit too embarrassed to mention this to his friends or his wife Sally. As far as he could figure, it was going to be a bunch of lectures where he sat around and shared feelings. The very same thing he hated doing at home […]
A Tribe of Men: Network of Networks
Sally could not wait to tell her girlfriends about the awesome date that she had with her husband Rick. Things had taken a significantly awesome turn for the best. She had her man back. He was connecting with her on levels she had longed to have for some time now. It’s not that she wanted […]
This is such a wonderful and necessary topic!
Thank you so much for sharing and inviting others to share.
This topic is so necessary that the 15 year old daughter of a dear friend of mine wrote and published a fictional book on what would happen if the women of the world determined that men were the cause of all evils of the world, and were therefore, unnecessary and extinguished.
It’s called Effeminate Earth, by Julia Elizabeth Flowers, and it’s a great read!
Thank you for a great series of posts, my friend!
You’re very welcome. I’ve had many people ask me to do something in this space and topic. These are the first steps in getting a response for these wonderful people. I’m enjoying the journey a lot. I will check out the book in the coming year. Sounds very interesting. Am quite interested to read what a 15 year old thinks about this.