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Have Accountability Partners

We can’t outsource our jobs as parents. We can’t outsource our jobs as Christians. We can’t outsource the job of being ourselves.

That said, we do need accountability partners. We need people helping us along the way. We need encouragement, coaching, leadership, mentoring, and support.

We need a study partner, a prayer partner, a parenting partner, a relationship partner, and the list goes on.

No one can decide for us to be great. We have to decide ourselves that we will be great. However, just because we made the decision doesn’t mean we can get there by ourselves.

No matter how much you practice free-throw shots in your front yard, at some point, you’ll need a coach if you’re going to become the best in the world at free-throws. The coach can be a camera that lets you see your form so you can self-evaluate and improve. The coach can be a world class free-throw person. Or could be someone who has a track record of producing the best free-throw shot makers.

Had Eutychus had an accountability partner in that service, the chances of both of them being asleep at the same time is usually far less that just him alone.

This is why soldiers who do the middle of the night watch have some means of accountability to keep them up. Usually, the company will have more than one soldier on watch as the rest sleeps.

Same with parenting. It’s good to have a support network of other like minded and also better parents to help us along. This keeps us moving towards our goals to be great parents. Adding more power to the phrase “you’re the average of the five closest to you”.

The road of life is hard enough as it is. Let’s make sure we’re not facing it alone the whole way through. Besides, there is a reason for the sage saying of “two is better than one”. Hence why relationships work best with two people as one team. Add the Holy Spirit and you’re having a Holy Assembly immediately.



The sermon had it’s own conclusion built for it. The tips covers most of it. For this blog post, we’ll wrap up with a few CEO-of-the-home focused points.

Level Up

Life is about progress. We have to level up our skills as chief empowerment officers of the home. Don’t settle for just good enough. Even if that’s all you want. You’ve got to stay good enough or get better.

Without the work of maintenance, even the best marriages start to crumble. If you’re not shooting to continually rise up, at the very least, work to not fall back. For the rest of us, keep on leveling up and getting better at your craft of leading your home.

Distractions do feel comforting

The reason why social media feels so good to check, it touches our dopamine reward centers. Distractions aren’t all bad, but they’re not designed to be good either. They take your eyes off the prize.

Sometimes, you do need a break. That’s why it’s called a break, not a distraction. You’ve selected the mode of ‘distraction’ for your break. The best one being… vacations.

However, don’t stay off track long. Get back on your task. When one is in flow at their task, it doesn’t feel like work or boring. It is quite rewarding.

The down side of over indulging in distractions, they hurt in the long run. Missing the goals, missing the mark, having failed marriages, failed relationships, failed children… hurts.

So, yes, distractions feel comforting… that’s their job. Our job as CEOs of the home is to manage distractions wisely and effectively so that everyone gets where they need to go.

Stay Engaged

No good CEO stops checking the pulse of their company. No good parent stops checking in on their children.

Stay engaged in what is important to you. Stay focused. Stay involved. The price is, otherwise, too much.

This applies to every walk of life. Whatever you focus on… grows.

Stay engaged in your ministry as leaders of your home.

Restoration Is Real

As long as people have not called it quits and left the home, it is possible to improve things. Of course, all parties involved have to want to improve as well.

We can only do our part. We can keep the fire alive and optimistic. We can’t make anyone else care enough if they don’t want to.

When all parties decide to put in their work, that’s when restoration takes place. That’s when a new relationship level can be reached. This will take time and effort… but can be done.

A note of caution… restoration does not mean identical. It may feel like old times and look like old times, but it’s not old times. It’s modern present time.

If your family is struggling or has fallen off the path, don’t give up. Get help. Seek wise counsel. Get properly supported. Seek qualified help.

Patiently do the work of restoring your family.

Also… do not discount the power of prayer in this whole process. Let God show you His restorative power. He did design the family, after all.

Finally… dear CEOs of your homes… the work is never done. The rewards are collected throughout life. Keep pressing forward. Don’t fall asleep at the wheel. You have a great influence in the outcome of your home. Make it awesome on purpose.

Post Author: Epea7p

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