Hello Shekinah SDA Mission

It is an honor and pleasure to be invited back for another youth day. I feel that the Lord has a special call for this congregation based on the blessings He’s already showered on me while preparing for this sermon today.

While I was truly blessed last time I visited, I am looking forward to another rewarding moment in your company.

Today’s sermon is carrying the name of “When God Calls” and will have it’s own blog post “A Higher Calling” associated with it. The round table called “Stepping Up Your Game” also has it’s own blog post associated with it.

In time, there will be additional information added, and this will be the page to get that update.

It is my hope that today’s experience will help you not only grow your faith walk, but help you ask better questions about your mission and purpose in life. God has a calling for each and everyone of us. That call is uniquely tailored to you and your capabilities. The call will also be used by Him for His purposes. Are you willing to take the call, act on it seriously, move forward in faith with Him?

There may be times when one doubts that one’s talents can be put to good use in church, but trust me, God is in the business of upgrading and transforming lives. Whatever you have in your hands, He will use it marvelously and miraculously. Your only task is to be a willing participant and follower. Christ is leading and calling, will you answer?

I want to take a moment to thank Pastor W. D’Haiti for extending this kind and generous invitation for April 8, 2017. I am also happy to have had the invitation the first time around before this site was on-line on September 12, 2015. That sermon will eventually find it’s home on the site and will be attached to this page at a later date.

May God richly bless your life, your ministry, your endeavors, as you submit your will to His. All glory will be to the Father. As the blessings rain down, yours will be ample enough.

Happy Sabbath

note: the length of the content is more suitable for a tablet than a phone, due to the length of the blog post. If you’re able to read from a desktop/laptop that would be ideal each article will be broken up into pages to help those using their cellphone for reading