Hello Schilo,
I was truly blessed and honored to share the Word of God with you on two different occasion. This very page would not be in existence had your pastor not asked in such a powerful way. Being led by God, he knew just the right words to reach me and have me listen more closely to the Call that God was placing.
Speaking of calls, my first experience with you was to share a message called “That Moment when God Calls your Name”.
It was a very unique church service in that it was the homecoming for the speaker of the day with whom it was an honor to share the stage. It was the first time the stage was shared by two different speakers. And without planning in advance, God made a point that both messages were complimentary and supporting each other.
It is my desire that on this deaconess day, the message “Are Your Beliefs Hindering or Serving” will be instrumental in helping your growth forward in the way the Lord is leading.
This page is hosting the sermons in two different formats. One will be a long format single blog post. The other will be a set of blog posts that covers the concepts of the sermon.
While this is not the exact replica of the spoken word, it is meant to be supportive of the main event and have a lean towards Family Life. The understanding is that we are to apply the message in our personal lives as well as our professional lives. These two are not lived in isolation. People have tribes they belong to called home, school, work, play, and others. This blog will focus on the tribe called home.
At a some future date, more content will be added to improve the experience of this content. Any new release will be announced through the Facebook Page of the church. For the time being, below are the links to the blog postings that support the sermons heard. Feel free to share the links and make comments. May God richly bless your faith walk.
On August 27, 2016 I was invited by Pastor Moise Manigat to preach. The blogpost is in multiple pages, for ease of consumption, for the sermon called “That Moment When God Calls Your Name”.
Part One – A case of Identity
Part Two – When God Calls Your Name
Part Three – A little Boy Named Samuel
Part Four – The Moment You Get Called
Part Five – Wrapping up the Call
On October 21, 2016 I was invited by Pastor Moise Manigat to preach for Deaconess Day. The blogpost is in multiple parts for the sermon call “Are Your Beliefs Hindering or Serving”.
1-Part One – Titans of Beliefs
2-Part Two – Auto Pilot Believing
3-Part Three – From Hindering to Serving
4-Part Four – Best Return on Personal Investment
God Bless You and Keep You! Look forward to another time of fellowship together.